Having taken on a liking for cooking, Superhero S is determined to sharpen her cooking skills and decided to continue experimenting with new dishes to expand her dinner menu. Haha. :p
I've actually been trying to search for the white local taufoo in hypermarkets but just couldn't seem to find any. Frustrated but really feel like eating taufoo (haha), we decided to hell with the white taufoo, just grab the Japanese taufoo lah. Haha. :p
I soaked the Chinese Mushrom overnight because Superhero Mum says the mushrooms need some peace and quiet time alone to release their ultimate mushroom flavours. Fine. And this time around, I bought some spring onion as garnish to make the dish look less dull.
As for the chicky meat, I decided to karate it, chop it and mince it till it is totally inrecognisable. Yes. Haha. So what I'm trying to do here, is to imitate this taufoo dish normally served in sizzling plates with a layer of egg beneath. And this is the best I can do... *wink*
Ta-da! My Fried Japanese Taufoo with Minced Chicken Meat.
You can see the mushrooms are all thinly sliced and I've added some red hot chilli padis as well to give it a little kick! Haha. :p
The spring onion provided some life and contrast into this otherwise brown-looking dish. And I love spring onions to be cooked in this way too. Can never take them in their raw form. :p
And this is for dinner, Fried Kangkung & Cabbage with Chilli Padi, Fried Omelette with Big Onions, and of course, the Fried Japanese Taufoo with Minced Chicky Meat. Actually the portion is enough for 3-4 persons, but we both are the kind who eat little rice but a lot of dishes. Haha.
Okay, so what's the verdict of my taufoo dish, Superhero W?
(Superhero S looks menacingly at Superhero W)
"Oh very good...very good! Better than outside food!" *sweats*
Haha. The dish worked out perfectly, with a hint of spicyness from the chilli padi, and lotsa yummy minced chicky to chew on. Absolutely delicious. Only the preparation is slightly tedious because I had to fry the Japanese taufoo first, and put it aside before I proceed to make the sauce, and finally combine them. But the trouble's all worth it! Haha. *drools...*
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fried Japanese Taufoo with Minced Chicken Meat
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The effect of eating KFC in the morning
On one crazy weekend, the two superheroes planned to use their soon-to-be-expiring McDonald's coupons at McDonald's Kuchai Lama. :p
So, we actually drove all the way from Superhero S's home to Kuchai Lama, which is just like a 10-minute drive away. We were in onother one of our infamous rush hour drives when the time is already showing 10.50 a.m. and we're just getting there, not exactly there yet!
We wanted to make it real badly for McD's breakfast at that point. Faster tekan minyak!!! Oh wait wait, so how did a drive to McD finally ended up at KFC? Haha. We actually made it to McD on the dot at 11.00 a.m. (dramatic!) but somehow, the McD people figured that Superhero W is too fat to eat McD and changed the breakkie menu to the regular one immediately.
Haha. We were going there for their Hotcakes really. Missed it since we had it at LCCT sometime ago. OH Hotcakes!!!! Since we didn't bring the free coupons for the regular meals, no buy 1 Free 1 loh. Dejected, we decided to fly to the KFC just down the road and took revenge on the poor chickens there. *evil grin*
So, just as soon as KFC too changed their menu to their regular chicky menu, Superhero W ordered their Dinner plate for his breakfast (kinda ironic huh? Having DINNER plate for breakfast?! Haha) while Superhero S settled for the Snack plate. Both hot and spicy!
Seriously, both superheroes have never had KFC chicky so early in their lives before. Imagine having to stomach HOT, freshly made KFC chicky when your stomach has in fact just woken up as well. Haha. Dunno our super tummies can stomach the chickys or not! :p
This is our breakfast...
And you know what? We actually enjoyed whacking up the fried chickys actually! So crispy, hot & spicy! OHH...Haha... Not bad wor. I didn't thought my tummy can accept such sinful foodie early in the morning but it actually did!
And Superhero S is now down with a sickening sore throat. *sob... sob...*
I hate sore throat!!!! I promise to be a good good girl from now on and never touch KFC chickys so early in the morning again... and also the Mee Goreng Mamak. Haha. A classic case of "eat first, think later". *sigh*
Monday, April 28, 2008
Mee goreng mamak style (my first!)
The two superheroes were once again in the mood for experimental cooking last weekend. Haha. Since there was still half a packet of both the yellow noodles and kuey teow each, Superhero S decided to take our dear Y's special request for a Mee Goreng Mamak! :p
Hugely motivated by our first success in cooking the Spicy Fried Noodles-Kuey Teow dish the last time, Superhero S was certainly more confident in executing whatever little cooking skills she may have. Haha. :p

And since there's no choy sum, gotta make use of the kangkung (yes, I know it's a little weird! Haha) and finely slice the cabbage into thin bits. Finely chop some dried shrimps for my chilli paste and prepare some chicky bits (Superhero W must have his daily dose of chicky bits!). Run the yellow mee through warm and cold water, and it's all ready. Time to rumble! Haha.

How? Okay or not? Haha. Looks hot & spicy huh. Because it is!! Haha. Really got kick ah! The Japanese taufoo worked perfectly to replace the usual mamak's fried taufoo. But too bad the kuey teow didn't quite made it in one piece. Haha. Learned a lesson here. Next time, use only yellow noodles. *wink*

I'm quite happy with my Mee Goreng Mamak. But I know there's still room for improvement. Hope to do it much better the second time! Haha. :p
Friday, April 25, 2008
Pan Mee and Mee Rebus
When the two superheroes are back in Malacca, Superhero S and Superhero Mum would settle for Pan Mee while we would tapau some Mee Rebus for Superhero W because he is still somewhere floating around in his dreams and couldn't join us for breakkie.

The Mee Rebus at Saturday Ice Cafe along Jalan Parameswara is hugely popular with the locals there because of its cheap pricing, large serving and ultra delicious thick mee rebus kuah. This is quite likely the only place where you can still find some foodie that costs RM1.70 in Malacca. But since Superhero W is a big eater, Superhero Mum had to tapau the RM3.00 version. Haha. :p

Very tasty and just perfect if you want to start the day with something light. Some of her other yummy specialties are Wan Tan Mee, Dumplings and also Red Wine Mi Suah, all of which are highly recommended too. Haha. :p
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Super delicious Cheese Bee Hoon and Hokkien Mee
Last weekend, the two superheroes flew back to Malacca on one of their routine flights home. Haha. We still miss all the delicious foodie there despite going back once in every fortnight! :p

And the Hokkien Mee. I don't think Malacca is famous for Hokkien Mee actually, but this place definitely serves very good Hokkien Mee! The taste is there, very flavourful, fried just right. Simply delicious.

If you have plans to make your way here, the address is erm... if we got it right, No. 39, Jalan Taman Melaka Raya 30, Taman Melaka Raya. They can be reached at 06-283 6456.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Our COMPAQ V3759TU is here!!! OMG.
YAY!!! Finally... :p

Why? well, bad DELL service (they are kinda the lansi lanyong "snobbish" type and are extremely stingy with free extras) and we figure it's a bit inconvenient for us to pay using credit card and buy our lappie without checking it out personally. And we didn't want our lappie to have loose joints after 1 year +. Thanks for the info, Superhero Bro!

** Free Dos
** 14.1” WXGA Display with Integrated 2.0 mega pixel web cam
** 160GB* Hard Drive
** DVD Burner*
** Intel® Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Spicy Fried Noodles-Kuey Teow (my first!)
Thanks to the success of their Spicy Chicken with Mushroom recipe, the two superheroes have decided to modify it for a simple fried noodles-kuey teow dish of their own, based on Superhero Mum's style of mee goreng basah.

Based on my recollection of how my Superhero Mum's mee goreng basah looks like, mine comes almost 99% identical. Haha. :p

My first Spicy Fried Noodles-Kuey Teow dish!

It was exactly how my Superhero Mum's mee goreng basah tasted like, only mine comes with a hint of spicyness! YAY!!! :p
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spicy Chicken with Mushroom dish
Okay. Sorry for the strange name. Haha. I really don't know what is supposedly the name of this dish and I'm bad at naming dishes anyway. :p

And dinner is served. Fried kangkung with chilli padi, Omelette with big onion and Spicy Chicken with Mushroom. Fantastic combo for home-cooked dinner! Haha. *drools*
Friday, April 18, 2008
When the superheroes go shopping for office chairs
The two superheroes have been in dire need of a decent office chair that can accommodate Superhero W's expanding butt size. Haha. :p

Priced at RM299, now this is something we can afford. Haha. And most of all, Karsten's back is very very airy and the seat is very comfortable and springy. Wah.... We're in love. Now lemme jot down where to find Karsten in the huge warehouse... and let's go! weeeeeeeeeeeee.......