This "Spreading the Love" Mission (as the two of us call it) is said to be one of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode, increase your Google PageRank, attract large volume of new traffic to your site, build your community and most importantly, find you new friends -- all through Viral Linking.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Let's spread the love around...
This "Spreading the Love" Mission (as the two of us call it) is said to be one of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode, increase your Google PageRank, attract large volume of new traffic to your site, build your community and most importantly, find you new friends -- all through Viral Linking.
Kuching, here we gooooooooo.............!!!

This is officially our first holiday together. A zillion thanks to our Super blogger friend, Dreckker who became the official two superheroes' tour guide during our stay there. We specifically told him to bring us for makaning marathon only. FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD. Thanks, Dreckker!! :p

HILTON KUCHING! Haha. 5-star mah. Time to enjoy! :p

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My FIRST excited but nervous too
This is Superhero S's first time boarding a plane. YES. No kidding. Superhero W actually booked the tickets for a holiday over the sea so that Superhero S can FINALLY fly for the first time on an airplane! Thank you, baby... :p *blushing*

Can't describe to you how excited I was feeling. It's a moment I've always been dreaming about. It surely meant a lot for me that I'm sharing my first time with Superhero W. Hehe. Seeing the Air Asia airbus from the big glass panels sure got my heart pumping faster. Haha.

Stepping onto the plane for the first time, it all felt surreal. It looks like a bus and even feels like a bus actually. Okay, the name explains it all. AirBUS mah. Haha. We got our seats near the middle exit of the plane. That's where we get to see the wing. Love the view from my window. :p

As the plane started gaining speed on the ground, I was so nervous but awfully excited at the same time. I'M FLYING!!!!! weeeeeeeee..... Haha. When the plane took off, I couldn't describe how strange I felt as everything on the ground started getting smaller and smaller. WOW.
The moment I saw the clouds, it was soooo cool...! :p

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
McD Breakfast has HOTCAKES on their menu!

Spending the night in LCCT (tak boleh tahan)

Monday, January 28, 2008
Pavilion KL - "You are beautiful"!

Friday, January 25, 2008
OMG. I **** at TGI Friday's!
Remember in our previous post we told you that it wasn't the end of our meal at TGI Friday's Pavilion KL just yet? You bet I'm saving the best for the last. Haha. :p
You see, this was what happened.

Yup. That probably sums up the whole drama.
Superhero S somehow ended up vomitting after her meal at TGI Friday's.
She puked so much it could've easily filled up half a pail! Haha.
Gosh. I felt soooooooooo bad for the staff at TGI for having to clean up my puke. I seriously tried to control but it just went off like a pipe!
Ting said that of the many many times he has talked to friends, this is the FIRST TIME that people actually hear him talk until VOMIT! ahahhaha... :p
Superhero S puked all over the table, the chair, the floor and some even landed on her pants and cardigan! Yuck. I couldn't describe to you how shitty I felt at that time.
I have NEVER puked in a public place in my whole life before. Let alone puking in TGI Friday's. (of all the places!) And puking in Pavilion since it's my first time there!
A few reasons could've contributed to Superhero S's puking:
1) She laughed too much throughout the meal
2) Had too much of TGI
3) Ting's speech is all too "inspiring" till she felt like vomitting
4) It was too hot in TGI Pavilion. No joke!
But one thing's for sure after all the drama, I don't think I'm ever going back to TGI Friday's Pavilion KL again. Haha. :p
P/S : A big big thank you to all the wonderful staff for being so helpful at TGI Friday's Pavilion KL. So sorry for the puke guys! :p
Thursday, January 24, 2008
We finally made it to TGI Friday's @ Pavilion KL
The two superheroes made it to TGI Friday's before the expiry date after all! Haha... :p
Because they knew that no matter how much they eat, they won't be able to finish off the RM100 voucher, they've decided to bring along their best buddy, Ting to help gobble down all the foodies! Hehe...
They eventually settled for TGI Friday's @ Pavilion KL for 2 good reasons:
1) The parking is damn cheap and we don't have to walk far
2) Surprisingly, we came back from Mars and have never been to Pavilion before!
Okay, for the parking...we didn't park in Pavilion but somewhere very near. Since we're just so damn familiar with the area, we settled for a cool strategic parking spot which cost us RM3 ONLY per entry (after 6pm). With that, we can save ourselves from paying RM7 flat rate after 7pm. Ngeh ngeh ngeh ngeh.... :p

This is the stairway that will take us to our TGI Friday's... Wahhhhhh...

Finally reached TGI on the 6th floor. Made reservations for 7pm. Yay!
As soon as Ting reached TGI, we went in and cashed in on our winnings... :p
Thank you, Nuffnang and TGI!
We ordered two 3-course meals, so there's like 6 dishes for the 3 of us. For starters, there's of course the Mac & Cheese and Buffalo Wings. For the entree, we chose Chicky Parmesan Quesadillas and Pineapple Mojito Whitefish. For dessert, we took both the Friday's Sundae and Cookies 'N' Cream.
So are we satisfied with our meal? Hmm...Yes and no, actually.
YES for the Mac & Cheese, Chicky Parmesan Quesadillas, Friday's Sundae, Cookies & Cream AND I can never leave out the ultra excellent service we received there. The staff there are like the smiliest bunch of ppl I've ever seen. Wonderful!
NO for the Buffalo Wings because it's too salty and the portion's too small, the Pineapple Mojito Whitefish because it tastes kinda weird (highly NOT recommended) and the ambience in TGI Friday's Pavilion. We felt that the ventilation's kinda bad in the outlet. Plus it's really warm and we can't actually feel the air-con. At one point, I nearly couldn't breathe...
But thanks to the fun company we've got, Ting got us both laughing in stitches throughout the meal. Thanks man! :p
P/S : This is NOT the end of our meal at TGI Friday's. Stay tuned to find out what happened next to Superhero S. Such drama!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Restoran Chin Chai -- best place for dinner in Malacca
Be prepared to drool, everybody... :p
No doubt about it. This is the best place to go for dinner in Malacca. The two superheroes wanted to treat Superhero Mum to a nice feast before they make their way back to KL. So, where else to go other than Restoran Chin Chai @ Taman Kasturi, Semabok?!! Haha.
When I was little, this cook used to operate during night time near the place where I have my regular Chicken Rice Balls in the morning. Yeah, the one in Ujong Pasir. Then it kinda shifted to this new location quite some time ago. Pretty smart move I would say. :p

And of course, the big star of the day, Jenak in Special Sauce! :p
Their house specialty is their fishy. OHHHHHHH...fishy!!! The moment you taste their fishy in special sauce (dunno what is its exact name in English) you'll be floating in Neverland. It's so so so so good. The fishy is very fresh and the meat's really springy. Unbelieveable.

*still drooling....*
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Murder attempt foiled, my mum escapes traumatized

Gosh. It was terrible. Traumatizing. Maybe next time gotta put food through an X-Ray before eating it. Who knows what's hiding inside your food??!!!
A Tale of 2 Red Eggs and some Fruit Tarts

Monday, January 21, 2008
Famous Duck Mee -- the best you'll ever get!
This is how to be FAT without trying hard
Friday, January 18, 2008
Chinese New Year MUST HAVE -- The Prosperity Burger

Thursday, January 17, 2008
"Dang" system in Innit (Nuffnang) is being abused

Two suspicious looking individuals raided McDonalds Ampang Park.

The twosuperheroes -- unveiled
Want to know our true identity? We thought we'd give our readers an update on how the two superheroes actually look like. Haha...
Check it out.
Still in black and white, but our image is much sharper this time. Think you can make out how we actually look like? Haha. We hope not. Cos superheroes are not supposed to have their identities known!
Okay okay..we'll give you some tips on who's who. The gorgeous babe on the left is Superhero S, while the hamsom boy on the right is Superhero W. Get it? haha... :p
In comics and cartoons, masks are designed to hide a certain superheroes' true identity. But in this modern age of the Internet, a little touch here and there with Fireworks is all it takes to throw us both into anonymity... well, almost! :p
P/S : our new photo was actually uploaded since yesterday... bet not many realized eh.. :p
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's all your fault, Timothy Tiah
Yes, we are referring to the Timothy Tiah. In case you just returned home to Earth from Jupiter, the man is the co-founder of Nuffnang.
It's all because of you. Because of your Lengmou and TimothyTiah blogs. It's killing us! Since we are relatively new in the blogging world, we never knew about those two blogs. Superhero S already ran through most of your top posts in Lengmou yesterday during office hour. Yes, she chucked her entire workload aside just to read your Lengmou blog.
Then discovering how darn funny it was, she decided to tell Superhero W about it and together they were sitting down in front of the darn PC right after dinner, running through your posts and laughing through till tears started pouring out!
How can you make us laugh so much at 1 am??? Cannot sleep lar like that! Why did you have to make nearly every post so darn funny????!!!! And THEN came your TimothyTiah blog.
Since we wanted to catch up on your transition from Lengmou to your TimothyTiah blog, we read from the beginning. THE BEGINNING. And you know how far your blog dates right?? And you were telling how you started your little dot com thing. You got us even more intrigued and addicted.

It was 4 am then that Superhero W left Superhero S's home and god knows what time he slept. And today is a working day. We both couldn't wake up. Felt more like dying rather than waking up. OH the headache. My head is spinning and feels heavy.
We were supposed to eat TGI Friday's tonight to cash in on our winnings. But all we're thinking now is to head home straight to our lovely beds and sleep. Tak jadi again lor. You tell me lah. You're making us even more panic because the expiry date is another day closer.
Okay, 'nuff said. I feel like fainting now.
Haha. :p

go there and find it on ur own :) )
P/S : Thanks for making us laugh so much, Boss Stewie. You da man! :p