Thursday, September 25, 2008

We are ONE years old! omg...

Haha... OMG OMG OMG...!
It's so hard to believe that 'A Tale of Two Superheroes' actually turned ONE years old yesterday! Haha.

Happy Birthday to us! (in case if you're wondering why does the cake looks so familiar, it's a recycled cake from Superhero Mum's Birthday earlier this month! Haha. :p)

Our tales started exactly 1 year, 1 day ago on September 24th, 2007, with our first post, "It's gettin' hot in here". Haha. To be honest, at that time... we know nothing about blogging, the blogosphere and everything else surrounding it. It was just based on curiosity and a mild spark of interest that both Superhero S and Superhero W began writing down their adventures in their life as 'superheroes'. *grins*

What's best was... we had not even the slightest idea that this blog would one day eventually work out to be a foodie blog! Haha. Let alone me putting up my kitchen experiments on this blog. What started as just simple cooking for idiots (i.e. using canned food) soon became a great roller coaster culinary adventure of mine where I started exploring and experimenting with different recipes and even 'baked' my first cake!

The two superheroes' proudest moment in their baking history! Presenting... their one and only (successful) cake... (albeit this being more like a super rich Haagen Daz Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream!)

Many many thanks to all our blogger friends and readers who have been with us since the very beginning, or who have joined us somewhere in the middle and even those who have just gotten to know us both! Thank you all for supporting us till this day, and thanks for spending that few minutes to write us a comment for our posts. It truly means a lot to us, and your words have continued to spur us to write better posts, and taking our adventures out of KL into Melaka to highlight the best foodie places around.

Happy 1st year anniversary to 'A Tale of Two Superheroes'! It was indeed a year well spent in the blogosphere... *grins*


L'abeille said...

Happy Birthday bloggies!
Keep up the good job buddies..

*run away with the cakes*

twosuperheroes said...

Haha... Thanks, auntie L'abeille.. *chases after the cakes* :p

hcfoo said...

Happy Birthday!

Keep up the good blogs :)

Babe_KL said...

Happy 1st Anniversary! Wishing you guys more to come ;-)

PB said...

Hurrah! Happy birthday and many more to come! ~ Pink Parisian

twosuperheroes said...

hcfoo, babe and paris...thank you all so much!! Haha... it means a lot to us to be appreciated! *sob sob* touched.. :p

Tekkaus said...

Happy Birthday 2 superheroes!

Here's a super song for you guys:


Happy Birthday 2 u 2,
U were born in the internet,
with keyboard and mouse,
happy birthday 2 u.

Lame song right? Anyway happy brithday! =)

twosuperheroes said...

omg, tekkaus! That's so nice of you...! Haha...we LOVE the birthday song! *laughs*

CarolineL said...

Kudos! Looking forward to more yummy entries ;)

twosuperheroes said...

Haha...thank you so much, silveraven! :p

twosuperheroes said...

Thanks, Caroline!! Haha.. *grins*

jelly said...

happy birthday!

*can i have my cake now? :p

Unknown said...

Happy Happy 1st Birthday "A Tale of Two Superheroes" and many many more to come. Keep updating us with all those lovely foodie places to eat, especially down South of KL and all your yummy homecooked food. A lovely weekend to my fav supes behind this great blog! hugs

twosuperheroes said...

hi jelly!'re gonna have to chase l'abeille for all the cakes because she ran away with them! :p

Awwww...thanks, dear Y! We wouldn't have made it this far without you... *hugs*

Leopard said...


twosuperheroes said...

Meow...!! :p

foongpc said...

Oh, just read this post! Happy Belated Birthday to my favourite Superheroes from Malaysia!! My other fav superheroes are from USA. Haha!