Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First 25 Winners of Fridays’ Contest (we WON!!!)

I was chatting with Jason Mumbles just now when all of a sudden he came out with a link to Nuffnang..! I thought he wanted to show off again after having won his featured blogger with Nuffnang ( jgn marah ek! ) hehehe.. but actually he wanted to show me the list of First 25 Winners of Fridays’ Contest !!!!!!!!!!

Guess what?


The two superheroes are going to makan!!!!! We won!!!!!! Hahahahahah!
It was such a pleasant surprise when I scrolled down to see all the winners and I saw our blog url there... http://toosuperheroes.blogspot.com/2007/10/why-i-want-to-eat-at-fridays.html ...... Yippe.. yippee.... we are going to TGI FRiDAY'S...!

Thanks to Superhero S because she came out with that lovely post :D

Congratulations also to all the first 25 winners!! :D

Thanks Nuffnang and thanks TGI! (Hope Nuffnang will give me more advertisement offers from now!) hehehe... :p

Nuffnang Advertisement

TGI Friday's

P/S : Special congratulations to my fellow bloggers , L'abeille, Melvin, JasonMumbles and Daniel Franklin !!


twosuperheroes said...

hahahha.. for sure.. we use Fedex for delivery.. hehehee :P...

L'abeille said...

Congratulations to the two superheroes... :))

Now we can go makan but WAIT... I need to drop by at the gym first ehehehe...

twosuperheroes said...

hahhaa.. no need la go to gym.. go TGI first la.. Its time to enjoy.. >:)

twosuperheroes said...

Oh, congrats to you too! Someone can go makan a romantic dinner with X-T already...
Aiya, no need to go to the gym laa..Hehe. Eat first and think later :p

L'abeille said...

Wah.... eat first think later.. I got no guts ler

Eh, romantic dinners are cooked right at my very own kitchen hehe.. *winks*

twosuperheroes said...

hhahah..ok ok. Remember to add 2 more places for us for ur romantic dinner eh. We want to be ur lamp post! :p