Friday, November 30, 2007

The art of yumcha...


Dunno why but I would always associate the art of drinking tea as being very delicate and really for those who have too much time on their hands - the sek pau mou yeh chou (nothing better to do) type of ppl.

But hey, after actually indirectly learning the art of drinking tea from my friend the other day when we met at up for a chat, I'm actually starting to love it!

From putting in the tea leaves into that little tea pot, washing it with hot water, letting it "chill out" for a while to let the aroma of the tea kick in, pouring it into a small little porcelain jug, then finally serving it in little tea cups...the entire process is to relax you and let you unwind, really!

It teaches one to slow down and enjoy the moment when you ultimately sip the tea and let it soothe your cranky emotions. Well, it definitely calmed me down and made me much so that it gets so comfy for a nap! Haha.. :p

But it was great. Certainly great. We drank Oolong tea @ Ti Wang Tea, Taman Melaka Raya when we were back in Melaka last weekend. We even ordered little titbits such as, curry chicky with mantou, little otak balls and "siu long pau" (little dragon pau)

Ahh....this is what I call :p


anthraxxxx said...

Will check it out if i am going to Melaka Raya

twosuperheroes said...

hehhee. ok2.. hope u'll enjoy :D